Anchor Points

Let's talk about anchors. 
 What do anchors do? An anchor is used to keep a ship in a safe place, so it doesn't move with the wind and waves. 
 An anchor point is used to ground yourself so you don't get swept up and overwhelmed by the stress of the day. Do you see the similarities here? I like this concept! 

 After having my baby I was stressed to the max, absolutely overwhelmed with taking care of my baby, healing, and keeping my house running well enough. I had lots of help from my family and Stephen was AMAZING! But I still felt like I couldn't keep up with it all. I longed to get away and take "me time". I even fantasized about sneaking away to a hotel for a week. It was a bad place. But then I watched a video by my very favorite YouTuber, Sara Therese. She shared her morning routine. As I watched this video I had a lightbulb moment, revelation from God really. I needed to make time to take care of myself so I can use the rest of the time to take care of everything else. 

 I know. I KNOW. Everybody says this. But let me say it again. MAKE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF SO YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF OTHERS THE REST OF THE TIME!!!!!! 

 This was just really hammered home to me about 2 months ago now. And what a gamechanger! I feel like myself. I feel able to fulfill all of my responsibilities and take on more! I started a blog and a YouTube channel with hopes of growing both. Night and day difference. 

 I'm reading a book called "The Wonder Weeks". There's a whole section about anchor points. "These are simple things that you can do, or not do, that anchor you in the here and now. The take you away from the roller coaster of events and emotions and help you regain balance; the provide a moment of calm. When you integrate regular anchor moments in your day, you give your body time to reset itself and to come to rest. Those moments are a great help in reducing stress!" 

 Let's brainstorm some ideas now! How can we add in some anchor points into our day? 

 Tea Break 
Maybe you don't like tea, but sit down by yourself with something to drink. Really savor it. Feel the way it slides around your mouth. Smell it. Ground yourself in the experience of the drink. 

Try square breathing, breath in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breath out for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts. Maybe 54321 practices works better for you; count 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste, repeat as desired. Sit with a clear mind for a while. Spend some time outside. Just breath for 5 seconds. Pray. 

There's so much change happening all the time when you have a family. It can be really overwhelming. Talking about the changes in your kids, your marriage, or yourself can be so helpful! Time with friends or sharing with your husband is a great way to reflect. Journaling, praying, and scrapbooking work, too! 

Who doesn't love blasting their favorite music and moving their body?! Not only is it grounding, it can be theraputic and good for your health. 

Tune to some calming music, mozart is great! Set your spotify to upbeat music while you clean. Listen to some love songs before your hubby gets home. 

Chores can be dull and boring, that's for sure. BUT! Zone out while you wash the dishes, listen to a podcast while you mop the floors, or pray when you fold the laundry. 

Moving your body is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Take a class, join a gym, go on a walk, dance around your house, do some bodyweight exercises in your backyard, run around your neighborhood. Any way you choose to move your body will benefit your mood, brain function, and body. 

 Prioritize and Plan 
Take a moment each week to plan meals, activities, appointments, obligations, etc. I always find when I know what's happening I don't get so stressed. 

You would not believe how amazing a massage can be! Find a way to get one! Ask for one as a birthday or Christmas gift. Just do it, it will change your life. If you can't get a professional massage, ask your partner or do it yourself. It's pretty easy to find a tutorial online. 

Have somebody watch your kid(s) and spend some one on one time with your spouse. Talk with each other and thoroughly enjoy their company! 

Whether you join a sports team or take up sewing or cook an elaborate meal, just do something you enjoy. 

Taking a bubble bath can be SO soothing. Try adding some epsom salts, pink himilayan salts, essential oils, tea bags, or baking soda to make it extra good for you. 

 Retail Therapy 
You don't have to blow a hole in your pocket or max out your credit card, just spend some time by yourself looking at things you love. Maybe you don't love clothes like I do. Go do a museum or a movie or an art gallery. 

Pull out your favorite book or magazine and get comfortable. Try for 10 minutes at least. 

 Time With God 
Read scriptures, pray, serve, ponder. This may be the most important of all. Put God first and He will make everything else work out for you. 

 "Try to incorporate 3 anchor moments into each day- one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. Do what suits you. Just because your baby is asleep or quiet does not mean you have to rush about doing jobs or thinking you have to stimylate your baby. You want to do the best for yuor baby, but it is important to have time to focus on your own well-being, and that will help you help your baby. It is not selfish to do so- quite the opposite.It is natural for moms to "slow up" after their baby is born; this is an important natural way of helping them go at baby's pace. Go with the flow of it." -The Wonder Weeks
