My Thoughts on Masks

I have a lot of thoughts on masks. So many that I can't keep them organized in my brain any more and need some help from writing it all out, this will probably be all over the place. Here goes:

Masking an entire society is wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Making neighbors and strangers and friends and family out to be disease carrying monsters who are out to kill you and everybody else is also wrong. Spreading fear and hate and anger throughout an entire country, globally really, is, you guessed it, wrong. All of this is going on right now. Let me explain why it is wrong.

Reason #1- Every Person has a Right to Choose for Himself What He Does. 

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In my church we believe in something called the Plan of Salvation. It's God's plan for each of His children. It answers where we came from, why we're alive on this earth, and what happens when we die. It answers all of those questions! It's brought me so much peace. Anyways, we know that God presented this plan to all of us and asked for a volunteer to be the Christ because the whole plan depended on that. 2 individuals spoke up. Jesus and Satan. Jesus said he would follow the plan as God had laid it out. Satan said he would take away the agency of all of us, so it would be impossible to not be able to return to live with God (which is conditional upon our obedience to the laws God sets forth and our dependence on the Atonement of Christ). God chose Jesus to be the Christ. 

My church has many gospel scholars, and I really like how one of them, Bruce R. McKonkie, describes what agency needs to exist in his book 'Mormon Doctrine'.

"Four great principles must be in force if there is to be agency: 1. Laws must exist, laws ordained by an Omnipotent power. laws which can be obeyed or disobeyed; 2. Opposites must exist- good and evil, virtue and vice, right and wrong- that is, there must be an opposition, one force pilling one way and another pulling the other; 3. A knowledge of good and evil must be had by those who are to enjoy agency, that is, they must know the difference between the opposites; and 4. an unfettered power of choice must prevail."

Bruce McKonkie is telling us that if these 4 things were not in place we could not choose for ourselves and be held accountable for our choices. Satan's plan was to take away one element of this, making agency obsolete. 

Right now we are seeing a lot of censorship and free speech is being limited. There is a lot of knowledge that cannot be shared because the powers that be is limiting its movement around the world. Facebook and Youtube and Twitter and the news media are the biggest advocates of limiting speech and the sharing of knowledge. This is a satanic way of doing things.

We are also seeing that individuals are losing their ability to choose what to do. McKonkie's 4th point is in jeopardy right now. You cannot enter government buildings without a mask, fly on a plane, or even go to the grocery store. If you are not wearing a mask, your choosing power diminishes. This is also a satanic tactic.

For these reasons masking a society goes against my religion. For these reasons masking a society destroys agency and is satanic.

Reason #2- The Constitution Protects Our Rights

The Declaration Of Independence says,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

Let's pick this apart for a minute: 

"All men are created equal" means nothing now. Non mask wearers are treated the way black people were treated at the beginning of last century. Some people are fine with others not wearing a mask, others flip out. There are "Mask Only" zones, just as there were "Whites Only" zones. And non-mask wearers are being mistreated all over the country.

"Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" is also being trample on. It is the general consensus of society that our government gives us the rights we have, and without government permission we don't have the right to do something. Somebody actually said to me last week, "The Constitution doesn't apply to Utah right now with the Governor's new orders," Those were his exact words. The truth is this: God has given each of us rights that nobody can take away no matter how hard they try, the only way they go away is if we, ourselves, give them away.

"Life." Some people have health conditions that make it impossible or extremely damaging to wear a mask for any length of time. There is a huge list of health conditions (most of which you cannot see from the outside) that would prevent somebody from wearing a mask. 

"Liberty" is defined as "freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc. power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice" in We no longer have liberty on our social media platforms because of "fact-checkers" and disappearing posts/comments/videos/etc. A lot of our liberties are being stripped away.

"Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." I don't know about where you live, but in Utah there have been protests, petitions, and flat out rebellion going on since April. The citizens of Utah do not want the restrictions placed on them by Governor Herbert and his co-conspirators. 

The Constitution of the United States of America was created by our founding fathers to protect these rights, to protect the values that every American used to hold dear. ALL OF IT HAS BEEN TRASHED!

The very first amendment talks about our right to free speech, gathering in groups, attend whatever church we want, and petition to change the government. All of those rights have been smothered.

The 4th amendment talks about privacy. The government's contact tracing program is not only unethical and disgusting, but is also against the Constitution.

For these reasons masking a society is unconstitutional.

Reason #3- Logic Does Not Exist Anymore.

I am more than happy to discuss anything, if we can both logically talk about it and accept fact when we see it. Unfortunately, that is impossible now.

We all know the new "Rules of Society" wear a mask, keep 6 feet between you and everybody else, and sanitize everything all the time. We have been told that all of these things, by themselves, are effective in keeping this new disease at bay. But if you go somewhere without a mask, people freak out, even if you're standing 6 feet away, even if you've recently washed your hands. If you stand too close in line people freak out, even if you're wearing a mask and are currently using hand sanitizer. If each precaution works on its own why would we all need to practice all 3 precautions at all times? It's not logical.

We have known for years that over sanitizing our world weakens the human immune system and makes it possible for bacteria and viruses that would have been stopped by a stronger immune system to take over. This over sanitization is weakening us against the very virus it's supposed to protect us from. Plus, most sanitizers only work on bacteria, viruses have different defenses that require special processes/chemicals to kill them. So the sanitizers you have in your bags and cars doesn't work anyways.

We also know that being in close contact with others strengthens our immune systems by slowly introducing our bodies to new bacteria and viruses so we can build antibodies to them. "Social Distancing" not only kills us as a society, but will kill us individually.

There have been numerous studies, both before this year's fiasco and after, that tell us cloth or surgical masks are insufficient in protecting us against airborne viruses. A traditional surgical mask protects against particles that are 3 microns across. The virus of the year is 0.3 microns across. You could squeeze 100 virus particle through one of the holes in a surgical mask. The CDC and every package of surgical masks will tell you they are ineffective. 

We know there are people who need to wear a mask for their job. These people include dentists, surgeons, some construction workers, and bio-hazard removal people, etc. First, I'd like to say that the bio-hazard removal people are always in a full body suit with a super fancy mask that is rated for much smaller particles than a surgical mask. The construction workers who wear a mask, wear one that seals against the face so nothing can get in except through the spot it's supposed to. Both of these kinds of masks are not what we see around today, though they would make much more sense. The masks we are seeing are either cloth or those disposable surgical masks. Doctors and dentists wear masks for much of their work day, they wear the disposable surgical masks. Did you know that OSHA has building and employer requirements for people who have to wear masks for their job? Did you also know that those same requirements are not being followed in most businesses now? These requirements include, but are not limited to specialized air flow throughout the building, rigorous testing to make sure you are able to healthfully wear a mask for an extended period of time, and mask change/removal specifications. Doctors, nurses, surgeons, dentists, etc. all have to change out the mask they are wearing every 30-60 minutes. Are you changing yours that often everyday? Do you own 9 masks that you cycle through everyday at work then clean and sanitize or dispose of every day? Do you have extra masks for when you go out after work? A new one for grocery shopping, a new one for dinner out, and 3 new ones for the movie your going out to see? I didn't think so, it's not economical, it's not logical, it's just not possible for most people.

For these reasons masking a society is illogical.

Reason #4- Society has Forgotten Kindness.

When a single, defenseless, pregnant woman is being verbally attacked by a tall, late middle-aged, fit, man and wife you know something is very wrong with society. This very thing happened to me last week.

I saw a sign on a bus bench describing people who wear a mask as normal and people who don't wear a mask as somebody who wants to harm others. This is so psychologically damaging to us!

I've seen and heard of people being so mistreated because they can't or choose not to wear a mask. The amount of hate and fear that people harbor against those of us who do not wear a mask is uncanny. Only 8 months ago, we all treated each other with some degree of civility and kindness. Now, we don't even look into each others' eyes, we don't greet strangers we pass with a smile... we can't.

Many people I talk to are so worried about what masking a society long-term like this will do to the kids. Kids need facial cues to create the right neural connections to grow up 'normal'. Children cannot properly develop without seeing faces all the time. Masks will ruin our kids' brain development. And what about their emotional development? Nightmares of faceless people are common. Faceless people aren't 'human', so why should we treat them as such? We can't connect with faceless people. We've already seen an astronomical increase in suicides and crime since 8 months ago. I see more than a correlation, I see causation.

For these reasons masking society damages our ability to care about others.

As you can see, I wholeheartedly disagree with the spread of masks around our society. It is satanic, unconstitutional, illogical, and kills us as living, caring human beings. I believe it is our responsibility to fight against these mask mandates, or at least fight against what the masks are doing to our society. Love your neighbor, try harder to connect with people, and don't be afraid of somebody not wearing a mask. Let's treat others with the respect and kindness that every person deserves.
